If your thinking of buying or selling in the Lake Norman Area, there are some things you should know.
Our NC Real Estate Commission and NC Bar Association do a great job of continually enhancing our forms to make them fair for both buyers and sellers. Always make sure your Realtor provides you with the most current forms.
For example, the forms most used:
- Offer to Purchase and Contract
- Additional Provisions Addendum
- Exclusive Right to Sell Listing Agreement
- Exclusive Right to Represent Buyer Agreement
You should also make sure you ask your Realtor to explain the forms and/or the recent changes. The NC Association of Realtors Magazine named 'Insight' does a good job of explaining the changes for Realtors and they should be able to communicate these changes to you.
Here is a sampling of some more the forms that recently changed:
- Contingent Sale Addendum
- Back Up Contract Addendum
- Owners Association Addendum
- Vacation Rental Addendum
- Repair Request and Agreement
- Agreement to Amend Contract
Don't forget the complete list of Huntersville Homes on the right panel of this website!
If your interested in learning about the recent changes, please feel free to call your Birkdale at Lake Norman Agent at 704 451 7051 or comment here.
See Also:
What would my Birkdale at Lake Norman Home Sell For?
See all the Birkdale At Lake Norman Home Listings
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