Thursday, July 24, 2008

Birkdale at Lake Norman Buyers and Sellers, Statistics on Sold Properties

Some Statistics on Birkdale at Lake Norman Sold Properties as of 7/24/08

For the period 1/24/2008 until 7/24/2008, there have been 48 properties sold in Birkdale and Birkdale Village.

Of the 48 homes sold, 32 were in Birkdale and 16 in Birkdale Village.

Here are some averages of these homes.


  • Average # bedrooms: 4
  • Average %Sold Price to List Price: 97%
  • Average Sq. Footage: 3040
  • Average Days on Market: 85
  • Average List Price Amt.: $402,662
  • Average Sold Price Amt.: $389,970
  • Current Active Listings: 36
  • Average List Price: $393,057

Birkdale Village:

  • Average # bedrooms: 3
  • Average %Sold Price to List Price: 96%
  • Average Sq. Footage: 1875
  • Average Days on Market: 105
  • Average List Price Amt.: $297,706
  • Average Sold Price Amt.: $286,273
  • Current Active Listings: 23
  • Average list price: $305,792

At least we know that homes in Birkdale are still selling. We also can see that there is still a substantial inventory of homes in both Birkdale and Birkdale Village. The days on the market for solds are less than the average of the Lake Norman area as a whole. I believe that this shows that the Birkdale market is still pretty healthy.

Don't forget the complete list of Huntersville Homes on the right panel of this website!

If you need additional information or any assistance on these or other Lake Norman area homes, please feel free to call your Birkdale and Lake Norman Agent at 704 451 7051.

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