Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Birkdale and Birkdale Village For Sale By Owner, Please read!

Birkdale and Birkdale Village Home Sellers

Birkdale and Birkdale Village Real Estate - For Sale By Owner

Recently I wrote about the scenario of buyers finding a FSBO they like but have been working with a Realtor. Dang, Found a Lake Norman FBSO - Now what?

As a result of that post, I received a comment from a member of the Forsalebyowner.com team. His questions was how I would handle the situation where one of my sellers found his/her own buyers. Would they owe me a commission or a reduced commission?

Some agents have a bad attitude towards For Sale By Owners. To me that is funny. First, FSBO sellers have a bad attitude towards agents. Interestingly, two sides that don't even know each other and there is a problem. Second, as with many things there has been a bad experience or there has been bad communication. I am here to say, NOT ALL AGENTS ARE BAD!

Ironically, when I moved from Winston Salem, NC to the Lake Norman area, I sold my home myself. I can tell you it was ranks as one of the worst experiences in my life. By the way, I said this long before I got into real estate. Basically the buyer was a '#@#$ ' and I had no idea what my real rights were. I also did not know when I had to do something or not do it. I would have gladly paid a Realtorto facilitate this transaction. Also, I took a lot less for my house than I should have. In my naivety, I felt I was saving money. I ended up just taking an offer I did not feel great about because I had no one guiding me.

I will also add to those that would argue, the reason I got an offer was because of four things: location, location, location and luck!

Now, I am not against someone selling thier house themselves. However, I see For Sale By Owners advertising that they will work with buyers agents. I want to call them and say. OK, who is representing you? Although many agents won't work with these sellers, I gladly do it. Because of my past experience, I want them to be represented. It is in their best interest!

I also want to ask these sellers about thier marketing. Is using one or two websites and sign enough in this market? Hopefully, luck is on thier side and someone happens by...

For my sellers:

  • Real Living is a National Brand with a National Relocation Dept. which directs buyers our way.

  • Real Living uploads our listings to every relevant real estate website known to be searched.

  • Communicate regularly to all the agents in the area via email and hard copy updates.

  • Work with Lenders to get marketing ideas to get buyers into your home.

  • I personally create videos about the community and the home. I use a cool little tool that allows me to do voice over per room of the house to point out the high points. (i.e. new technology for me but it gets better and better): The Point at Lake Norman Video, The Harbour at Lake Norman Video, 231 Oak Village Pkw Video, A home soon to be listed by me (note this is a work in progress).
  • Also see the Video I had created just for Birkdale and Birkdale Village

  • negotiate everything in your behalf

  • communicate with you weekly!

In the end, I don't blame anyone for giving For Sale By Owner a try. If you are confident and have a lot of time, then I say go for it. If you are uncertain or tired of frustration, give me a call. I'd love to work with you.

For additional information on how I can help, contact your Lake Norman Agent at 704 451 7051 or by email.

See also:

What would my Birkdale at Lake Norman Home Sell For?

Lake Norman Sellers, Before you drop that price read this!

Creative ways to sell your Home

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