Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Letter To the Birkdale At Lake Norman Residents

Birkdale at Lake Norman

Dear Birkdale At Lake Norman Resident:

I wanted to introduce myself to you and point you towards a couple of my blogs. The first is (this one) and the second is I feel two things are very important when trying to sell your home.

The first is that we need to promote information about the community. With so much information on the internet, buyers are more and more trying to gather as much information as possible before making a decision.

The second point is that I feel it is important to give sellers a voice in the sales process. I like to use my blogs (there are more) to allow the seller to give reasons that buyers should look at their home. It is almost like being able to speak to that buyer.

I am a real estate specialist in the Birkdale area. You will notice on my blogs that I have a link to a Birkdale video that I had made. This video has gotten tremendous viewership on I try very hard to make sure that buyers get to exposure to your home in places that they are actually looking!

Real Living is one of the fastest growing real estate companies in the U.S. with offices in over 25 states. Twice winning Most Innovative Real Estate Company by Inman news, our relocation dept. and websites can help buyers from all over the U.S. If I can ever be of service to you or someone you know, please don’t hesitate to call so we can meet. We both have to agree that we can work together. Lastly, unlike some other companies, I want to tell you that commissions are negotiable!


Birkdale at Lake Norman Agent Roby Robertson

Don't forget the complete list of Huntersville Homes on the right panel of this website!

Roby Robertson Broker/Owner Real Living In Style
704 451 7051

For all your real estate needs, please contact your Birkdale At Lake Norman agent.

See Also:

See all the Birkdale At Lake Norman Home Listings

What would my Home Sell For?

Should you make improvments to sell your Birkdale at Lake Norman Home?

Common Myths about Working with Lake Norman Real Estate Agents

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