Monday, June 16, 2008

Birkdale at Lake Norman Buyers, So Much to Choose From

Birkdale and Lake Norman Buyers, Ever Feel Like your All Alone?

Birkdale at Lake Norman Buyers-call me for help

Have you ever felt like your agent is not showing you want you really want. Kind of like wanting to scream "IS ANYONE LISTENING?". Communication is sparse to non-existent. That can be very frustrating.

Birkdale at Lake Norman Buyers - You DON'T have to feel this way. This blog and others that I maintain are built purposely to provide as much information as is possible. You will notice that I provide real time listings of Birkdale all the time on the right panel. With REAL LIVING 2.0, you can set up an account where listings are emailed to you as they become available.

You can always come here to see all the Birkdale Homes for sale (see listings to right). I am here to help you and show you EVERYTHING that meets your criteria, not just what I THINK you would want to see, whether it be in Birkdale or other surrounding areas . Recently I took a couple to a neighborhood that they did not even know existed. I just listened to what they were saying and said' Let's go here'. They immediately fell in love with the area and found a home. This is what a good agent willing to take the time does!

Lake Norman Buyers, Call me for assistance

You don't have to waste time on your own unless you just enjoy looking at open houses. With gas prices the way they are, who can afford to drive around endlessly.

I am here to help and I listen!

Don't forget that many of the current home listings are on the right side of this blog separated by price range. If you find any you would like to see or would like additional information, please don't hesitate to contact your Birkdale and Lake Norman Area Agent at 704 451 7051.

Be The First To See Charlotte Area Hot New Listings as soon as they become available.

What would my Home Sell For?

See also: My buyer Rebate!

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