Friday, September 15, 2017

Your Next Huntersville Real Estate Agent #2

Video #1 for your next Huntersville Real Estate Agent

Video #2 for your next Huntersville Real Estate Agent

These videos explain how agencies work, how they pay their agents.  If you recall in the Huntersville Real Estate agent #1, we described what the definition of a Broker is.   To remind us, It is the negotiation of a transaction on behalf another.   If you are buying and selling real estate in the Birkdale, Birkdale Village or other Huntersville areas, this video may enlighten!

To offer full disclosure these videos just touch on a couple of scenarios.  Obviously there are many many other pay scales brokerages offer and I could not mention all of those.   Why does any of this matter?   I hope it will come together in a future video.  Again, I apologize that these are broken up but the mere size of the files requires this to happen.

See Your Next Huntersville Real Estate Agent - Sellers

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